
Medical Devices for Everyone

Marketing unique medical devices from small to mid-sized companies to the mass market.

The Brief

Gradient Health & Technologies is a distributor of unique medical solutions offered by small and mid-sized companies. They needed a website to help them market their medical devices and solutions to the masses.

As they are a relatively small company in a highly competitive and regulated space (Singapore), they needed a site to tell their story and sell their uniqueness to their potential partners and clients.

I came up with the site's design and concept, and subsequently built their site from scratch.

The Solution

I created a website for Gradient Health & Technologies that introduced the company, their mission, their work process, and how they can help innovative suppliers succeed in bringing their products to the Singapore market.

In terms of colors, as the company already had some brand colors chosen, I had to make do with their color palette. A variety of different shades of green and blue that matched the company’s colors was used in the creation of the site

visit the site

Need help building your site?

Do you need help conceptualizing the design and feel of your site? Do you need help with the coding and development of your site? I can help you.

If you're interested to work together, feel free to drop me a message with this contact form. I would love to hear from you and help your business grow.
